Das MKB PLUS - service package
Our customer service team at the Eichstaett company headquarters is your contact point for all queries and other matters.
In Eichstaett, new products are launched as projects from the first product discussion with the customer, through design development of the tools, and then brought to series maturity following the initial sample production (raw casting) and process documentation. At that point they can be relocated to the appropriate production site in consultation with the customer.
The raw casting from all production sites is received and processed at our logistics centre in Wuelfershausen / Saale. Our powerful machining capacity gives us a high degree of flexibility.
All plants have access to the same database. Our QM team regularly audits all locations.
The opportunity to launch production of a new product in Europe and then relocate it to Asia following the initial phase, whilst retaining the same contact persons at the company headquarters gives our customers optimum service quality and, at the same time, attractive long-term pricing.